
About UnitConvertr.com

Welcome to UnitConvertr.com, your one-stop tool for unit conversions and calculations! Launched in 2025, our mission is to simplify everyday tasks with accurate, user-friendly tools built using Angular for a fast, responsive experience. Whether you're a student, professional, or hobbyist, our free resources are designed to make your life easier.

Available Unit Converters

Our unit converter supports a wide range of categories, powered by the convert-units library. Here’s what you can convert:

  • Length: Convert between meters, feet, inches, centimeters, and more. Learn about units on Wikipedia.
  • Temperature: Switch between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin effortlessly. See Temperature on Wikipedia.
  • Area: Transform square meters, acres, hectares, and others. Explore Area units.
  • Volume: Handle liters, gallons, cubic meters, and more. Check out Volume on Wikipedia.
  • Mass: Convert kilograms, pounds, ounces, and beyond. Visit Mass on Wikipedia.
  • Time: Switch between seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Learn more at Time on Wikipedia.

Each category includes dozens of units, from common ones like meters to feet, to specialized ones like nautical miles or grams to tons. Use the tabs on our converter page to explore them all!

Scientific Calculator Functions

Our scientific calculator, accessible at Calculator or toggled on the homepage, offers powerful features for math enthusiasts:

  • Basic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for quick calculations.
  • Trigonometric Functions: Sine, cosine, and tangent (sin, cos, tan) for angles in degrees or radians.
  • Exponents and Logs: Calculate powers (e.g., x², xʸ) and logarithms (log, ln) with ease.
  • Roots: Square roots and nth roots for advanced computations.
  • Memory Functions: Store and recall values (M+, M-, MR) for multi-step problems.

Built for precision, the calculator supports students solving equations, engineers crunching numbers, or anyone needing more than a basic tool. Try it out and let us know what features you’d like next!

Our Commitment

We’re a small team passionate about creating reliable tools. UnitConvertr.com is free while we continue to improve. Have feedback? Reach out via our Contact page. For details on data usage, see our Privacy Policy.